Thursday, February 24, 2011

don't use that knd of langauge here!!!

I have figured out that part of what this blog is,  is a chance to put some thoughts down in print that have up to now, just rattling around in my head.  So welcome to Bill’s world!  You don’t have to stay but I do since it is my world…..So as I began early on to kind of write down some of the history of my world I am also drawing from the present thoughts in this world of mine.  If you have been a follower of Jesus for any length of time you know that our past helps shape the present or at least influences it….Past struggles can help build character and lead us to really depend on God and our wins or successes, I think, are reminders to us that God does work through us and with us… Basically as Paul writes God works it all for our benefit...
Now as a regular guy leading church you tend to get some interesting comments tossed your way every once in a while and this week I had one lobbed my way…not mean just interesting.  I was in conversation with another leader when they said this, “It would really help me if I thought you cared at all about church growth.”  Again not angry maybe a little frustrated but just a comment for me to think over….and I have….a lot…over and over…Church growth hmmm.  Well let me say I did come up with this thought, I am really not into church “shrinkage”, let’s make that clear…..In the past I would have gone through a list of things I was doing wrong or what was wrong with me… I am overweight and that is hurting us for sure…or maybe they don’t like my pony tail, but then I had the pony tail to keep thing from getting too religious…..Now they must hate my shaved head, must make me look mean but I refuse to do a comb over (if you don’t know what that is Google it) and the bottom line is my wife liked the pony tail and now she likes my head shaved so she gets the last vote for sureJ  Then of course my preaching or teaching or whatever I do is probably bad, so I will have to fix that, and then…..well you get the drift, if I am the one who has to be real interested in church growth then I must be the PROBLEM…. 
The best counsel I received in the beginning of planting this church was this statement from another leader in our movement...He said “Build the kind of church family you would want to hang out at and others will join you.  I guess I should have asked would there be lots of others or just a few?  Maybe I will e mail him and see what he says.  So with that as the background of what we do, I have been able to be who I am and not put on a show or a façade to make something grand happen, I could do what I sensed God wanted me to do and find peace in that.  And I have.  I have always been pretty insecure except in one area and that is having a church body I enjoy hanging out with…would I like it to be bigger??? I guess so but more importantly does God want it bigger?  Jesus said He would build His church…..I thought I was just one of His helpers, trying to find out where He is working and joining that... He did not tell me I had to grow this thing…..because if He did we are all in trouble…
We are currently re-reading the book “Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness” and look at what the author has to say here, “The Primary purpose of the church as a field is to grow. And a second interesting aspect about this kind of ministry is that all the arrows point in…into the culture of the church as a field.”  Now he then describes the church as a force, “The church as a force emphases are worship, training, and fellowship, because these are the things that produce Spirit-filled people who can meet others needs in Jesus name.” He also writes, “We want each member to come to wholeness, be equipped and be released into the world to minister.” 
So, to be clear here, I see the church as the force and that is what we are trying to build and have been building and what we are about may not fit the hopes and desires of all who come our way…. We will not be for everybody and I am good with that as long as I feel like we are letting God be God and we just be His people.  I pray for another local church body every week to bless them and to remind ourselves we are not building a monument to ourselves we are working alongside many to see the kingdom have impact wherever we are.. Because wherever we are the Church is.  So church growth hmmmm. Still thinking on that one but I refuse to get a toupee’….bald is beautifulJ   More thoughts to come…

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